I am so awesome at it. By awesome, I mean I don't fail really bad.
My friends and I played DDR until 3 a.m. last night. Something about dancing to a bunch of J-Pop songs with your friends in the middle of the night... it's amazing.
So. As for nicknames.
NeverHundred= Sour Key
That is all. I don't think Squi- I mean, Sinitech likes me throwing around my nickname for him. I need one for a whole bunch of people.
I also played Wii Fit Plus at my friends' place. It was great. You can make pets. PETS. PEEEEEETTTTS. :3
This is my cat:
I'd put him on the Wii Fit, but he'd probably lose his cuteness. And his love for me.
What was this post about?
Your cat is really big.
He's super kawaii.